If you are looking for genealogical information we are able to research records from the Record American newspaper from 1919 to 1969 and the Tri-Weekly Record from July 1889 to June 1894. We are also able to access newspapers.com and ancestry.com .


There is no set fee for research. We ask instead for a donation .


You are welcome to come to the Historical Room in the Rhoades Downtown Center at Main and Centre Streets in Mahanoy City to do your own research. The digitized newspapers are available on three computers. There are also some census records available and many binders of photocopied information about local history.


The Mahanoy Area Historical Society is open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 12 to 3 PM. If you are coming from out of town please contact us on this page ahead of time so we can be sure to be there. Special arrangements can be made for those traveling from outside the area.









Meetings of the Mahanoy Area Historical Society are held at 7 p.m. on the last Thursday of each month in the Mahanoy Downtown Center, 1-7 West Centre Street, Mahanoy City. The public is invited to attend.




Peg Grigalonis - Prsident

Frank Senglar - Vice President

Peg Coombe- Secretary

Marylou henninger - Treasurer

Marie Majetsky - Financial Secretary


Rhoades Center